Bring Well Wishes This Holiday Season!

As you’re searching for the best Cyber Monday deals, remember that Amazon Smile donates to the Netcare Foundation when you shop if you use our unique link before you make your purchases. This link will take you directly to and attach all of your purchases to the Netcare Foundation. You won’t have to do anything further expect bookmark it as your preferred link to make all future purchases to ensure the Foundation continues to receive donations.

In the past 8 years, the Netcare Foundation has earned more than $1,100 with the few cents that get automatically contributed by purchases made every day.

We also have an Amazon Wishlist of items we would love to have on hand for our clients that include everything from books to hand warmers.

Many clients come to Netcare in the cold winter months with inadequate clothing. We do our best to provide them with whatever we can to ensure no matter wherever they go after they are discharged from our care they have resources and protection from the brutal winter weather.

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