Who We Are
We take your care seriously. With our trained and experienced clinicians, we respond to crises with empathy and understanding.

Support Not Stigma
We offer specialized treatment for adults in need of behavioral health services in Franklin County. Our programs include 24/7 Crisis Phone Line 614-276-CARE, non-crisis assessments, stabilization and residential services in addition to community services and probate and forensic services to the county court systems.
Our Mission
We help people in need of behavioral healthcare and emotional support by providing comprehensive, evidence-based services needed to attain recovery and maintain well-being. We also help the courts and community agencies by providing professional evaluations and assessments for those that need them.
Netcare Values
We contribute to the welfare of those whom we serve.
We go beyond what is expected.
We are responsible to our clients, to our funders, to other stakeholders, and to the general public.
We treat everyone with dignity about who they are or the circumstances of our involvement with them.
We work with other interested parties and stakeholders to contribute to the betterment of behavioral health systems and programs in the community.
Trauma Sensitive
We understand, anticipate, and respond to the needs of those who have experienced trauma, by providing a comforting and safe treatment environment, promoting self -empowerment of the client.
Cultural Awareness and Relevancy
We understand and address the role of race and implicit biases; how these can affect client and staff behaviors, attitudes, and responses; and how these can impact staff interactions with clients and with each other.

Netcare Senior Staff
Brian Stroh, MD
CEO & Medical Director
Lynsey Blascak
Director, QI Compliance and HIMS
Brandon Boyd
Director of Information Technology
Tracy Durham, CSM,STS,CSA
Director of Environmental, Health & Safety
Sarah Elliot LISW-S, LICDC
Director of Outpatient Services
Nathan Kortokrax
Director of Human Resources
Jessica Lilly
Director of Development & Public Relations
Magen Molnar
Director of Nursing
Erin Steele
Chief Financial Officer
Myles Stickle
Director, Crisis Residential Services
Heather Stumpf, MSW, LISW-S
Director, Community Based-Services
Meredith Veltri, Ph.D.
Director of Forensic & Specialized Assessment Services
Carrie Wirick, LPCC-S, LICDC
Director of Community & Adult Crisis Residential Services

Netcare Corporation
Board of Directors
Kitty Wilcox Soldano, Ph.D.
Shirley Rogers-Reece
Vice Chair | SR & Associates, LLC
2nd Vice Chair | Cardinal Health
Sid Geller
Immediate Past-Chair | Sid Geller & Associates LLC
Candy Carr
The P.E.E.R. Center
Bill Hall
Pretium Partners Inc.
Rebecca Roderer Price
Corporate Counsel | Kegler, Brown, Hill & Ritter
Kari H. Sanders
Huntington National Bank
Jenny Schoning
Lee Shackelford, MD
“Because of the care I received, I am able to write you this today. Without your services, I would not be here today. Thank you for all your help and patience. I am headed in the right direction. I am headed towards a positive future.”
Netcare Access Client

The Netcare Foundation
Incorporated in 1982, the Netcare Foundation is a 501(c)(3) fundraising organization that raises funds to benefit the programs, clients and staff of Netcare Access.
In addition to raising funds through individual donations and grants, the Foundation hosts fundraising activities throughout the year.
Community Awards & Recognition Dinner
This event is a celebration of Netcare Access’ supporters, advocates, first responders, community leaders and staff that have made an impact on the lives of the individuals in our community, struggling with mental health and addiction.
Spring Swing Against Stigma
The Netcare Foundation invites you to join us at Topgolf Columbus for an indoor/outdoor golf experience unlike any other. Show off your swinging skills and mingle with other behavioral health advocates for an after-work fundraising event.
How You Can Help
There are a number of ways you can support Netcare Access and the life-saving work we do every day.