Serving the Community for Over 50 Years

Netcare’s history is marked by a commitment to evolving and expanding its services to meet the needs of the community. Founded in 1972 as the Southwest Community Mental Health and Retardation Center, the center originally offered a comprehensive range of outpatient services, including specialized care for children, and established 24-hour emergency services. By 1973, we launched a county-wide Forensic Psychiatry program for pre-trial investigations and competency evaluations.

In 1980, the organization expanded its focus to broader healthcare services, rebranding as Southwest Community Health Centers, Inc., and introduced specialized programs like prenatal care and services for the deaf. The Netcare Foundation was established in 1982 to support services through fundraising.

Rebranded as Netcare Corporation in 1988, we expanded our client assessment capabilities and, by 1996, became Franklin County’s “front door” for crisis services. This period marked the beginning of Netcare’s role as the central hub for crisis services, providing unique crisis and intervention support to address mental health and addiction needs for all Franklin County residents.

Celebrating 50 years in 2022, Netcare now offers nine programs, supports 17,000 individuals annually, and handles over 200,000 crisis contacts. Netcare is dedicated to meeting people where they are by emphasizing community-based programs and has expanded its reach through participation in the National Suicide Prevention 988 call, text, and chat services, continuing its mission to ensure access to behavioral healthcare for all adults in need.


Netcare Corporation was originally known as the Southwest Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center, Inc. It was founded in 1972 and was located at 854 West Town Street in Columbus. We’ve since grown into a comprehensive network of crisis and assessment services. The following timeline represents key elements in Netcare’s existence and growth through the decades.


Following its incorporation, the Board recruited and hired executive director, James O. Gibson, who was given responsibility for program development and hiring of staff and leadership for ongoing community planning. Early in 1972 a full range of outpatient services including specialized services for children was established at five locations throughout the catchment area. In December, 1972, the facility opened 24-hour emergency services.


Under special contract with the Franklin County Mental Health and Retardation Board and the Ohio Department of Mental Health, established a county-wide program for Forensic Psychiatry. The service included pre-trial investigations, competency evaluations, and emergency services to the county jail.

In 1973, Netcare also implemented the first adult day treatment program and five essential services (Inpatient, Outpatient, Day Treatment, Emergency Services, and Consultation and Education).


The citizens of the Franklinton area neighborhood elected to have their primary health care facility administered by Netcare Access  and the current facility was constructed at 199 S. Central Avenue.


During 1979, two additional residential homes were opened to provide the final phase of residential programming before the client’s return to independent living. The program served 55 individuals through five residential homes. Miles House, which is still operating today, opened.


The Center changed its name from Southwest Community Mental Health and Retardation Center to Southwest Community Health Centers, Inc. after expanding into neighborhood healthcare. The Franklinton Health Center initiated new family planning, prenatal and obstetrical services. The Community Center for the Deaf began providing specialized services for the deaf and hearing impaired including interpreting, counseling, case management and consultation and education. A community emergency response team was formed which has the ability to respond immediately to community emergency situations such as fire, accident or family death and to provide counseling services to the victims of these crises. They are now referred to as the Community Crisis Response Unit (CCR).


The Governing Board initiated incorporation of the Netcare Foundation. Established as a support organization to the Netcare Corporation, to provide financial support for services through a variety of fundraising events, investments and other activities.

The Foundation Annual Golf Tournament was established.


CCD began operating a very successful and long-lived volunteer-staffed BINGO program to help fund services to the deaf community.

The Southwest governing Board announced a change in corporate structure and identity. The Board chose the name “Netcare Corporation” and rebranded the organization.


The Franklin County Mental Health Board began the restructuring of the entire mental health system through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant. Netcare leadership changed after its first President, James O. Gibson, retired. The Board of Trustees selected Bobbe Fulton as president.


Netcare played an active role in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant. As a part of the restructuring of the mental health system, Netcare provides a comprehensive assessment of all clients entering community treatment and will be responsible for assigning clients to appropriate treatment teams.


Netcare was designated by the Franklin County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board to carry out their authority and responsibility for probated mentally ill clients in Franklin County and to operate the Systems Chief Clinical Office.

Grayce M. Sills Scholarship Fund for employee education is created.


Eight-bed Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) opened at 199 S. Central Avenue.

Joint operation of Older Adult Mobile Assessment unit begins.


Netcare Access is certified by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services to provide substance abuse treatment and services.


Reach Out Program (now called ROW ONE) transferred to Netcare Access from the city of Columbus.


ADAMH names Netcare as Franklin County’s “front-door”, forming Netcare Access, with responsibility for county-wide crisis intervention, assessment and referral services and two 24-hour crisis and assessment centers are opened. 

The 276-CARE, Emergency Response Service (ERS) is established


Mr. Allen R. Mosser appointed Netcare Corporation’s third President/CEO.

Addition of a full-time MR/DD Clinical Specialist to work in crisis and assessment services.


ADAMH funds expansion of eight additional crisis beds at 199 S. Central Avenue location: 27 total Netcare crisis beds.


Netcare Manager, Kay Werk, is awarded first OSU ‘Faces of Resilience’ STAR Award in recognition of her outstanding leadership and contributions to the psychological trauma field.


Austin King Stumpp is named Netcare President and CEO, as Allen R. Mosser retires.


Netcare celebrates its 40th Anniversary, and the Netcare Foundation Annual Golf Tournament celebrates 30 years!


The Mobile Crisis Response Unit begins in partnership with the Columbus Police Department to respond to mental health and suspected substance abuse in the community to de-escalating situations on the scene to avoid hospitalization or incarceration and Netcare partners with the Community Shelter Board to answer calls for the Homeless Hotline to connect individuals and families to housing resources in the community.


Netcare President and CEO, King Stumpp, is awarded OSU’s ‘Faces of Resilience’ STAR Award in recognition of his outstanding leadership and contributions to the psychological trauma field.

Netcare partners with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department to implement a Community Intervention and Diversion unit to respond to mental health and suspected substance abuse calls in the community.


King Stumpp retires after 10 years as President & CEO.  Dr. Brian Stroh is promoted to CEO & Medical Director of Netcare Access after serving as the Assistant Medical Director for 13 years.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Ohio names Netcare Access as the Mental Health Provider Agency of the Year. The award recognizes Netcare Access for working with and serving severely mentally disabled individuals in the community.


Netcare celebrates 50 years of serving the community and marks the conclusion of the Netcare Foundation Golf Tournament fundraiser, which successfully ran for 40 years.

Netcare is awarded a 4-year federal grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to offer outpatient services and becomes a 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline provider in the state of Ohio becoming the primary 988 coverage for Belmont, Harrison, and Monroe Counties, providing backup coverage for Franklin County, and responding to 988 texts and chats.

After 27 years, Netcare permanently ends 24/7 on-site crisis services.